Multiple Manufacturers, Affordable Prices,

Easy Financing

Tiny Houses | Park Models

Tumbleweed Tiny Home RVs

Tumbleweed Tiny House Company is the nation's oldest tiny home manufacturer. Bob Vila, home advise expert, ranks Tumbleweed as the Best Overall Tiny Home Builder in America.

SI Park Model Homes

SI Park Model Homes are absolutely beautiful and unmatched in standards of insulation and snow load capacity for extreme weather, built according to IRC standards and NAOH+ certified.

RGN Park Model Homes

RGN Park Model homes offer modern designs at an affordable price, with low prices and unique floor plans, you can be sure to find a model that will meet your individual needs and budget.

Snake River Tiny Homes™ is an award winning, family-owned tiny house company offering affordable tiny homes, park models, and accessory dwelling units (ADUs) for personal use or investment opportunities.

Tiny Home Financing Available

We offer special financing exclusively for tiny homes and park models. Down payments as low as 10% for qualified buyers.

Tiny Homes Are Popular

Did you know that 73% of Americans would consider living in a tiny home?

Among the generations, Gen Z and Millennials are the most interested in tiny homes with 75% considering living in one. The top three reasons individuals would live in a tiny home include affordability, minimalistic lifestyle, and people feel they don’t need a big home.

Speak with a Specialist

Want to talk about your tiny home project?

Click the link below and lets get started.

Limited Time Offers

Save up to $10,000 on a Tiny Home Display Model

These tiny home floor models have only been used for customer tours. They are an excellent value.

Free Delivery with the Purchase of an SI Park Model Tiny Home*

delivery includes leveling, anchoring, and wheel removal. *Limited to 500 mile radius from Twin Falls, Idaho.

Take $500 Off For Your Military Service- It's on Us!

We value your service to our country. Discount is available to active and former members of the US military.

The City of Hailey Bought From Us

City of Hailey, Idaho is one of the most expensive areas in the United States to

live in. When the city decided to buy a tiny home to assist with affordable housing

for their employees, they purchased from Snake River Tiny Homes. Hailey City

Council member Juan Martinez stated, “This tiny home is part of the solution.

All Snake River Tiny Homes models can meet the City of Hailey’s stringent

requirements for increased insulation and snow load capacity, and NOAH+ certified

for electrical, plumbing, and safety standards.

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New Showplace Location:

7871 South 400 West, Rexburg,

Idaho 83440

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